28 نوفمبر 2012

The miserable attack on gaza

                                                      (my cousin's van after being targeted)

Kissing and waving goodbye for like it’s your last time you see that person, this is what was going on in Gaza. Sudden bombings were hitting certain targets of hamas; we never expected that it will hit our beloved ones one day. I was staying at my parent's house while my dear husband was working as a correspondent for a news channel. When the Israeli attack on Gaza started to be serious, my husband's office recalled him so he was forced to move to Gaza city where his office is, while I stayed with my parents in another city, so he can cover     everything happening easily, I haven't seen him for 8 days

 Bombings and missiles where thrown on civilian houses trying to hit someone wanted for Israel, but they rarely got it right. Civilians were the most targeted group. We were hearing bombings every second. Bombings which shake our hearts as well as our houses, we got some windows broken, and a door too!! The weather was not helpful at all; it was pretty cold at night. I couldn't' imagine how people who lost their houses felt about this!! I was staring at TV when it is possible, and praying to not hear bad news about someone I know. One day one of our neighbors was forced to leave his house with his wife and kids, and the normal known threat should be like a call or a handbill, but that happened in a very different way. Israel targeted the house with a drone’s rocket while the people where inside, so they immediately ran away, after half an hour the house seemed to be like it never existed, it was bombed with F16 rocket! At that day I realized that we were all goals! My family and I were avoiding leaving the house after 6 pm and we never went downstairs the building or opened the windows, we were all terrifying, all of us kept praying to be just saved. 

Till that day came. It was the day that precedes the case fire. All of us were extremely happy; we were thinking that finally this misery and killing will stop. We woke up at 6 o’clock on the sound of the phone ringing. My mom kept silent like she knew what is going on. My dad picked up the phone and answered, his face turned to red and I started to know that someone has killed. My dad told us that three of my cousins were targeted in their van while going to the farm and they might be killed. I started crying and making Dua’a for them all to rest in peace.All my uncles and cousins went to hospital to check on them. They found out that just two of my cousins were killed and the third person is a family friend, all of them were shattered into pieces. The scene was so painful for everyone who saw it, or even heard about it. No one could even describe the state of their wives and children. Tamer has 3 kids and Amen has 4, I cried a lot, not just because I lost beloved ones , it is so hard for a person to hear that someone who saw him once was killed, but also because they are people who i really know, who i share memories with; who means life for me and for many others!!

After the funeral, I got a call from my husband telling me that the building where his office is was targeted, and that building contains many other news agencies too. That was a shock for me. I got terrified!! A million thought came to my mind in a second. What is going to happen with my husband and if I am going to see him again?! I was praying for the day of cease fire to come so I can see him, I was thinking if I lost all my beloved ones how can I deal with this disaster for the rest of my life?! I know that Allah is with people who are patient, I prayed for Allah to save us all. I was watching news and seeing children who have been murdered in this attack, more than 30 children were killed!! And more than 16 women! What an attack!!!   I am still wondering why was that happening? for what! Why every Knesset election we have
to pay the price?!!

Cease fire finally!!! That was my status on Facebook when I saw my husband standing in front of me! When they declared the cease fire, my husband immediately came from Gaza city to see me. I will never forget how I cried while hugging him. I didn't know why I cried? Is that because I missed him or because now i'm sure that he is alive! I think it’s both.

Two days later I started going to school again, I saw my friends and I was checking that everybody is safe, all of my friends are from different areas of Gaza strip, they were telling me so sad stories about their beloved ones too.
That attack will not be a memory ever, because we are living it everyday, we are living with the idea of losing people who are friends, family, colleagues, every second! It will never be a memory.but the big question that will still in mind forever ;why our lives are so cheap compared to the Israelis?! 

9 فبراير 2012

ثورة على العقول!!

بعد ما مضى 3 أسابيع لرجوعي إلى غزة ، اكشتفت انو الوضع محتاج اكتر بكتير من سنين علشان يتزحزح شوي. الكبت وتكميم العقول قبل تكميم الأفواه ما زال مستمر ! الضحك على عقول الناس ما تغير بالمرة. والمشكلة العظمي انه الناس انفسهم ما بدهم يتغيرو بالغالب! أو خايفين من التغيير بالمجمل!
الموضوع مش محتاج ثورة على أنظمة ولا محتاج ثورة على سياسات معينة قد ما هوا محتاج ثورة على العقول.
*العقول اللي صارت بتطفي لما تقطع الكهربا، وبترعش لما بتيجي الكهربا! صار ما فيه مجال انها تضوي على طول، لانو عقولنا صارت مش مستوعبة الا الكهربا ، مش مشغولة إلا بالكهربا ، فيه ناس ضحكو عليها وبرمجوها على الكهربا، وخلوها تنسى المواضيع الأهم، خلوها تنسى التغيير ، وتنسى الفساد، وتنسى الواسطة ،وتنسى المحسوبية، وتنسى الضرايب وتنسى إنه محطة الكهربا ممكن انها تشتغل بس للاسف انو بتشتغل وبتطفي حسب مصالح(الشعب) اللي مش فاضي يشغل مخو.

* المشكلة انه لما ينتقد أو يحكي شغلة مش عاجباه بيلاقي انه الكل متفق معاه وبيشد على إيده، ولما بتقول شو رأيك يا فلان بيقلك أنا معاكو عل موت، بتقلو والله مفروض نعمل مظاهرة ضد فئة معينة من الشعب اللي ماصة دمه بيقلك مع نفسك يا باشا!!!

*قصدت بالثورة على العقول على المستوى المجتمعي ، إنك تتطلع على مجتمعك بنظرة حضارية تطمح للبناء والتغيير، مش إنو نتطلع على المجتمع ونشوفه على أنه بناء مكون من مؤسسات وهيئات وأفراد، هادي النظرة السطحية جدا اللي ما فيه بينها وبين التطوير والبناء أي صلة، المجتمع لازم يكون مبني جواتنا قبل ما يتطبق عل واقع، لازم الشكل الصح يكون موجود في مخيلتنا ،راسمين شكله داخلنا قبل ما يكون واقع ملموس،المجتمع مش مرتبط بواقعنا ولا بتاريخنا إزا ما كان فيه عنا نية لبناء مجتمع رائع علشان مستقبل أروع إلنا ولغيرنا وعلشان نثبت لحالنا إنو ما فيه شيء مستحيل.

لما كل شخص منا يتخيل مجتمعه المثالي ، يفكر ، يحلل، يتخيل، يحلم ، ما فيه شيء ممنوع بالحلم. يخطط حياته على أساس مجتمعه المثالي اللي حابب يكون عايش فيه، يبدا من نفسه، يغير تصرفاته على أساس هادا المجتمع، اللي ما بده يكون فيه رشوة، ولا محسوبية، ولا ظلم ولا افتراء، يبدأ بنفسه، بأفكاره، بتعامله بين الناس، ينوي نية صادقة بينه وبين نفسه على تكوين هذا المجتمع المثالي . ما فيه شيء كامل والكمال لله، بس مجرد تشغيل العقول والتفكير هادا بحذ ذاته تطور كبير في طريق الحياة المثالية اللي كل بني ادم بالمجتمع بيحلم فيها.

* طالب المدرسة ومجتمعه المثالي مرتبط ارتباط قوي بالدراسة ، كيف ممكن يغير هادي المدرسة وسياساتها وتعامل معلميها ، اللي معظم هادي الشغلات بتكون الها ملايين السنين في الواقع ما تغيرت، طالب المدرسة بيحلم بمنهج ملائم، بمدرسين أكفاء، باحترام متبادل بينو وبين المدرس اللي مش مفروض يكون شايف حاله عليه، لو تربى طالب المدرسة على التفكير الابداعي اللي بيرتقي بالمجتمع، رح يصير يغير بحاله وتصرفاته علشان يفرض طريقة تعامل معينة بينه وبين المدرس. لازم نربيه إنه يحلم لتغيير الوضع المثالي إلى الأمثل. مهما كان الوضع أحسن لازم نعلمه كيف يغيره لأحسن الأحسن.
وقيس على هالوضع جميع فئات المجتمع ، اللي بتستنى الفرج، خلينا نعمل ثورة عقول مش ثورة سياسات، نعمل ثورة على الأفكار اللي بطلت تنفع في هادا الزمن اللي بيتطور كل يوم، خلينا نعلم أولادنا كيف يفكروا صح ويبدعوا علشان لما يشوفوا اشي غلط ما يخافوا انهم يخلقوا من واقعهم مهما كان صعب الاشي الصح.

ملاحظة: تم كتابة ما سبق في فترة عمل العقل( لما صار فيه كهربا)